Author: Alexis Wilke
Speed of Light in Space
Here is a video showing the speed at which light travels from the Sun to the Earth to give you an idea of the enormous distances in space. It takes about 8 min. to light, yet it feels like a fairly long time. That said, I add some commentaries so the video is not too…
Lucky Luke — “man who shoots faster than his shadow”
As a kid, I would read many French and Belgium cartoons, such as Lucky Luke, the lone cowboy who can shoot faster than his shadow and his horse, Joly Jumper. Of course, this is a joke for the character has to be really fast to draw and shoot at bad guys so he can win…
Handheld Telescope (a.k.a. Pirate Brass Telescope with a Wooden Box)
With Pirate Movies we have seen a come back of those old Telescopes that navigators used for centuries before the GPS was publicly available. Although often referenced as Pirate Telescope, those were regular captain navigation telescopes and pirates happened to steal them along other treasures. Not like pirates invented them…
Why Do You Want a Case for Your Telescope?
As I explained in my post Advice on Buying a Telescope Online, there are two types of telescopes. Both have a different set of needs when it comes to maintenance. The maintenance is an important part if you do want your telescope to continue to perform well and who wouldn’t want such?! In most cases…
We can now show star motion in another Galaxy!
Source of the Observation of Moving Stars From data that we gathered about 12 years ago (2005) using the International Space Telescope (IST) and data being gathered now (2017) by Gaia, some astronomers calculated the motion of various stars in the Dwarf Galaxy named Sculptor.
Advice on buying a telescope online at Amazon
For quite a few of us, amateur star gazers, buying a telescope is a relatively rare event and thus you want to make it right. Here I’d like to talk about what you want to look into before you purchase your own telescope. In another post, I also talk about binoculars (if you want to…
What’s the difference between Astronomy and Astrology
I have always thought that the word Astrology should be the one we use instead of Astronomy. Unfortunately, history decided otherwise and made the wrong choice way back when the science was given a name by the Greeks.
Stargazer Definitions
Someone looking at stars The primary definition of Stargazer is: Someone who looks at the Stars, although it now includes all sorts of celestial objects including constellations, planets, dwarf planets, moons, asteroids, comets, quasars, galaxies. Pretty much anything one can see with the naked eye.